It was slow at the beginning trying to get on board with new concepts, get to know a million new people, and work from home and be productive! Well I hit the ground running and my first road trip was to Cedar Rapids, Iowa for two weeks (when I say weeks I mean Sunday-Thursday they let me come home on the weekend), home for a week, and then off to Dallas, Texas for two weeks.
When I was in the airport flying home from Dallas on Thursday I made a few notes on my phone on my whirlwind of my last 12 days:
In 12 days I been traveling for work for 9 days
I have flown on 6 airplanes
Went to Nashville for 2 days (trip with Matt)
Stayed at 3 amazing Full Service Marriott's (think the Normal Marriott bigger)
Was at home for less than 24 hours
And slept in my own bed with my two boys twice (Matt and Willie oh course)
When I was in Dallas they spoiled me with amenities every night in my room! Apparently on my file says I like veggies, fruit, and beer! Pretty fitting if you ask me!
Here are a few pics from my trips! They are not as fun as they sounds because all I do is work and don't get to get outside of the hotel too much but I made sure to get a few runs and walks in when I was in Dallas since it was in the 20's here!

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