Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Gary Allan at the Assembly Hall

When we found out Gary Allan was going to be at the Assembly Hall in Champaign we knew we had to go. This was the fourth Gary Allan concert that we have been to together since we have been dating. This is the first married concert we have seen him at. He is such a great performer and equally great to look at. Every concert I look forward to seeing his dog Lucy which is a poodle and golden retriever mix and you should have seen me when I saw her backstage! I was so excited. Matt said I was more excited to see her than Gary himself. How the Assembly Hall was set up it was probably only one fourth or one-eighth used so it was a very small venue and are seats were one one side so I could see behind stage the whole concert! It was pretty cool. He always sings different set lists and usually a new song or two. We will never get tired of seeing him live!! One of his crew members gave me and Matt guitar picks (which I have wanted for a long time) next goal to meet him in person....not fan club style but hang out with him, ha ha ha!!! I can dream right??? Here are a few pictures! We had pretty great seats!!

 Here he is! Brooke look at those rugs!! I think you would have loved them, haha! IKEA maybe?
 And here is Lucy! You have to see her on stage....too cute! I told Matt if we ever live in the country we need to adopt one just like her!

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