Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Getting Ready for Baby #2 and Easter

Doesn't everyone do work in bunny ears? I bought these for Jackson last year and I think he wore them once so I got them out again this year and he loved them. We did a lot of playing, working, and building in our bunny ears. 
 Jackson loves to haul things in his semi! Lincoln logs are one of the best things that gets moved around the living room almost daily....
 We were playing in the basement and I started to get out the baby stuff, check batteries, and get everything washed. Jackson had to help with his screw driver. The whole time he just kept saying "baby" and making sure it was all in working order!
Such a good little helper. It is so much easier the second time around since we have everything, but the tough part is actually remembering where I put all of Jackson's stuff!

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