Sunday, March 29, 2015

7 Months Old

This little man gets more of a personality every day. He is so fun to be around and I love every minute I get to spend with him. He really likes to make noises and he is all about having someone to play with or wants to be hold. He really doesn't let us leave the room so it is hard to get a lot done, but oh well I will just have to play with him. He only takes 1 long nap each day because he doesn't want to miss anything but when he does nap it is usually for at least 2 hours, just enough time to get a few things done around the house.
 Just making noises!
 He loves this little book that Aunt Brooke bought him. We finally had to put away his activity mat because he is too big and loves to just pull it down. He thinks it is hilarious!
 Daddy kisses....
 He doesn't like his jump-a-roo as much as he used to but if he is really tired he will jump himself to sleep. It is really funny but it works!
 He still isn't crawling, but he can scoot and roll. He gets frustrated when he can't reach something so I know it will be any day now that he puts it all together and actually moves forward.
 Trying to reach for his ball.
 He is eating more solid foods. He loves crackers, graham crackers, avocado, bell peppers, and even pancakes.

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