The first two weeks (officially tomorrow) of Jackson's life have been a learning experience for me. I know everyone says you will learn as you go, but I am thankful for tips and tricks that people have sent my way. I have to give a big thanks to Brooke for telling me what to do to get through my night without being a zombie!! We are learning for each other but each day I think I might love him even more! Here are a few things from this week:
Jackson. Weighs 8.3lbs and has become a great eater! I was worried breastfeeding wasn't going to work but we are getting better everyday and man is this little boy hungry!! 
Willie is adjusting to not be I.g the center of attention. He does keep a watch on Jackson at all times.
Just him sleep in, I like to send Matt pictures 50
Times a day!He is a little hot box and always sticks his feet out.
A cute one from the hospital.
Loves this paci and it is adorable!
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