My little man turned 1 year old on August 15th. Weeks leading up to his birthday we have been working on getting him to hold up one finger when we say, "How many is Jackson?" So these pictures are of him showing us how big he is and how old he is. We didn't do too much on his actual birthday so he would be all rested for his party on Sunday.
Here is the entrance to the party. Aunt Taylor helped make the monsters we put on the doors
Eyeball lemonade and a little banner for the birthday boy.
The treats!

I decorated Jackson's highchair and by the time he had his smash cake it had fallen apart!
More snacks! The rice crispies we were a hit.
Me and the birthday boy!
Jackson with his little smash cake. We didn't let him have it for too long because he really wasn't interested. I think it is safe to say he likes cake and icing.
Eating a cookie instead.
Mommy and Daddy with the birthday boy.
Big Stuff with his cute little birthday shirt!
All the party animals!
Present Time!
Clayton helping Jackson ride on his new truck!