Saturday, October 18, 2014

2 Month Check

On Thursday we took Jackson to the doctor for his two month check. He got a few shots and took them like a champ. He cried a little bit but was smiling and giggling after. I told Matt I wish he was big enough to get ice cream because he deserved it! I tried to get a picture of him and his little band aids but he really didn't give me a good shot. He did get spiderman band aids, I was expecting snoopy!! He didn't have any type of reaction and was fine the next day.

Weight 12.4 oz- 56% percentile
Length 23.75 inches- 42% percentile (Matt doesn't think he was all the way stretched out)
Head Circumference- 15.75 inches

At two months Jackson can sit up in the bumbo with a little help from mommy and daddy. He keeps gaining more head control everyday but loves to do tummy time and if you hold him he constantly is pushing back so he can look around. His favorite things to do right now are look up at ceiling fans and light fixtures, giggle and laugh at mommy and daddy, follow voices, and never miss a beat. If we are out and about or around a large group of people he will stay awake because he doesn't want to miss out. He just keeps getting bigger. I know he is only 8 weeks old but where did my baby go?

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