Sunday, October 26, 2014

10 Weeks Old

This week my little buddy is 10 weeks old. I can't believe it has ready been that long since I had him. This was his second week at daycare and he is doing great. He loves sitting in his bumbo, playing on his activity mat, and doing tummy time. These aren't new things for him but he is able to sit up longer, has better head/neck control, and he is playing with the toys on his mat. Before he would just lay on his mat and look up but not play with the toys.
At daycare he is eating between 12-14 ounces of milk a day and is growing like a weed. This weekend I got out all his 6 months clothes (thanks to Brooke and Amanda) and started putting a few 3 months sleepers away. It seems like yesterday he couldn't even fit in 3 months clothes.
Jackson has a stuffy nose for the first time so he is waking up earlier than usual but is still a happy baby. Saline spray and the nosefrida are our saviors!
Here are pictures from this week!
Boys relaxing on the couch!
Sleepy Saturday! 
Jackson is wearing a 6-9 month onesie today. I know that is runs small (because I bought it for Sawyer and Brooke told me) but I can't believe it almost fits him. He is also wearing tattoo baby leggings. I am in love with them!!
 Off to Jo Jo's, his babysitter. He loves her!
 My little ninja. Early morning and off to the sitter!
Jo sent this to me. They were sitting outside and she told me he was watching all his friends!

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